This is an update of Billy Joel's original "We Didn't Start the Fire." His song covered chronological world events from 1949 - 1989. I've written lyrics picking up where he left off to cover chronological world events from 1990 - 2020. Enjoy! This song was originally performed on Paulie's Online Variety Show on Saturday, September 5, 2020 on the Vaudacity Network here on YouTube. "We Didn't Start the Fire 2020" lyrics by Dylan White "We Didn't Start the Fire" written by Billy Joel from his 1989 album "Storm Front" _________________________________ WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE 2020 updated lyrics by Dylan White 1990 - Noriega, Panama, USSR starts to fall 1991 - Pee Wee Herman, Clarance Thomas and Anita Hill 1992 - LA Riots, Cholera, Oil spill by Exxon 1993 - Waco Texas, River Phoenix, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell 1994 - Tonya Harding, OJ, Chechnya, Kurt Cobain 1995 - Oklahoma City, Mir, Windows 95 is here 1996 - Unibomber, Pokemon, Valujet, Tupac gone 1997 - Titanic and say goodbye to the People’s Princess Di CHORUS We didn't start the fire—It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire—No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it 1998 - Steroids used by Mark McGwire, Michael Jordan does retire 1998 - Monica, Bill’s Cigar, and the Blue Dress 1999 - JFK Junior, Columbine, Kashmir 1999 - People say Y2K will be a big mess 2000 - Elian is handled bad, counting all the hanging chads 2001 - 9/11, Taliban, Al Queda, Afghanistan 2001/2 - Black Holes, Anthrax, Daniel Pearl, Iraq 2002 - WMD, snipers out in DC CHORUS 2003 - Schwarzenegger’s governor, Mr Rogers, John Ritter 2004 - Dan Rather, Gaza Strip, seeing Janet Jackson’s tit 2005 - Paris riots, London bombs, Hurricane Katrina storms 2006 - Steve Irwin, Abu Ghraib, Pluto gets a downgrade Oh, oh, oh … 2007 - Scooter Libby, Agent Plame, Argentina climate change 2008 - JP Morgan Chase, China shaken by a quake 2008 - Hamas hits Israel again, bail outs by the government 2008 - Heath Ledger, Bernie Mac, George Carlin heart attack CHORUS 2009 - Fort Hood, Air France, Michael Jackson’s last dance 2010 - Earthquakes, wildfires, trapped Chilean miners 2010 - Moscow train attacks, BP oil, Goldman Sachs 2011 - Solar Flares, Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street 2011 - Army rule in Cairo, Japanese 9.0 2012 - Denver shooter, Sandy Hook, Benghazi’s a clusterf—k CHORUS 2013 - Bombing Boston Marathon, Zimmerman and Trayvon 2014 - Ferguson, ISIS, Boko Haram, virus 2015 - BLM, Paris bomb, Amtrak, Brady, Tom 2016 - Brexit, Brussels, Michigan, Russia, Paris hit again 2017 - Harvey Weinstein, NFL, Vegas shooting, Charlottesville 2018 - California, Kavanaugh, Facebook data, Florida 2019 - Jussie, Jeffrey, Notre Dame, cheating college using fame 2020 - 2020 takes to long, this year needs a separate song! We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire But when we are gone Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it lyrics ©2020 by Dylan White